
A striking dance piece by Urška Centa with music by  Robert Jukič for our second episode of the Literary Cabarets.

Ljubica moja

The band Same babe sings “Ljubica moja” for our episode “Kdo je ostala v Blatni dol” with a special appearance by Tina Habun, playing the role of Martin Kačur’s Minka.

The Mug Dance

Tina Habun created this playful choreography as part of our “Kdo je ostala Blatnem dolu” episode of the Black Box Literay Cabarets.

Blatni dol

Weronika Partyka and Martin Jogan play their special composition for our “Kdo je ostal v Blatnem dolu” episode of our Literarni kabaret series.